----- Original Message ----- From: "John Gourlay" <j...@weathervanefarm.net>
To: "LilyPond Development Team" <lilypond-devel@gnu.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 1:25 AM
Subject: Re: git-cl problem


Actually, my copy of Contributor’s Guide in section 3.2.2 says to use “git-cl upload master”. But, you raise a good point. I have already merged my changes from my philomelos branch into my master branch. If git-cl is comparing those two branches it won’t find a difference, and this is evidently my error.

I did “git checkout master” followed by “git-cl upload origin/master” and it worked much better. A codereview item was created, but git-cl couldn’t create a link from the IllyIssues item to the codereview item. This is an old problem that I reported before that nobody was able to explain. The tail end of the git-cl output in the terminal window looks like this:

We were not able to associate this patch with a tracker issue.
Please enter a valid tracker issue number
(or enter nothing to create a new issue): 4751
Problem setting patch status for Allura issue

Are there any more ideas? For this issue I manually posted the codereview link to the LilyIssues item.

John Gourlay

It's not a syntax I use, but the CG says "git-cl upload origin/master" so I assume what's happening is the git-cl diffs master against the named branch - in your case, master - and returns no diff ("No output"). What happens if you update your master branch with your change and then run the syntax from the CG?

Do you have a valid Allura bearer token?


Phil Holmes

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