I don't think so. It's supposed to work out-of-the-box in LilyDev, but I forgot to include this package in LilyDev 4.1. See warning in the release note:

Il giorno dom 22 mag 2016 alle 3:54, John Gourlay <j...@weathervanefarm.net> ha scritto:
Thank you! Installing the package lmodern fixed the problem. Shouldn’t this instruction be part of the Contributor’s Guide?

On May 20, 2016, at 1:36 AM, Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org> wrote:

Il giorno ven 20 mag 2016 alle 5:10, John Gourlay <j...@weathervanefarm.net> ha scritto:
I’m trying to set up a new LilyDev development system after some kind of VirtualBox error that trashed my old one. I’ve run “make” successfully in my ~/lilypond-git/build directory, and lilypond runs. When I run “make doc”, however, I get errors. One of the messages from make directed me to look at a log file named suffix-lyxml.dblatex.log. This file contains the following messages about invalid fonts. Have I overlooked something in setting up my system?

 Install the package lmodern:

 sudo apt-get install lmodern

 Added to LilyDev only one month ago:

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