This looks great!

Even though this question has little relevance to these code changes, I
can't resist asking whether you might have ideas about the best way to
fix the "reverse" problem of ties attached to *individual notes of a
chord* ending up ignored when processing articulations using the script:


\version "2.19.43"

\include ""

\score {
  \relative c' {
    <c e g c'>2~ <c e g c'> % OK
    \articulate { <c e g c'>~ <c e g c'> } % OK

    <c_~ e_~ g^~ c'^~>2 <c e g c'> % OK
    \articulate { <c_~ e_~ g^~ c'^~>2 <c e g c'> } % ties are ignored!
  \midi { }


The fix would in any case have to be made in the Scheme-level music
expression transformation in the articulate function itself, right?

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