>>> Do you have time to integrate this into lilypond in the near future?
>> I would like so.  My GUB environment can compile it for GUB inner
>> using.  (v1.0.0 could not compile.)
>> But, I think that the integration requires a lot of time.
> Why?  Please elaborate.

At least, in order to avoid broken glyphs,
we will need to change whether or not embedding by the font type.

TrueType   : no embedding
Type1 / OTF: embedding

So `-dEmbedAllFonts=false` cannot be used.
Perhaps, `/NeverEmbed` and `/AlwaysEmbed` can be used.
However, I've never tried it. It is just an idea.

Moreover, we will need to change font resource directory
depending on the font type.

Japanese OTF: <fontresourcedir>/CIDFont/
Other fonts?: <fontresourcedir>

But, I have another idea.
It does not need the font resource directory.
To use a PostScript file which only contains font resources.
It is one PostScript file and includes


blocks of all necessary fonts.
I'm trying it.

Anyway, I think there will be a lot of things to consider.

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