>> I attached the shell script which can download the 12 font files from
> 'http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=urw-core35-fonts.git;a=commit;h=79bcdfb34fbce12b592cce389fa7a19da6b5b018'.
>> Its each download URL is just link of each font file in above URL.
>> It works fine on my environment.
>> Would you try it and put the downloaded files to ~/.local/share/fonts
> etc?
> Yes this works, but is this the most elegant/simplest way to get these
> files?

I've found a more simple way.
The following commands can install the font files.

$ wget --content-disposition 
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
$ tar xfvz urw-core35-fonts-79bcdfb.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/fonts

But, I think that the simplest way is to distribute the tarball at the LilyPond 

And change the warning message of configure script.
(download tarball from
and extract it under '~/.local/share/fonts' etc., or use --with-urwotf-dir)

> 1. If you look here:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/contributor-big-page.html#requirements-for-running-lilypond
> we already list a number of 'font requirements'. Does including
> TexGyre
> and now these URW++ fonts mean that all/some/none of these font
> pacakges
> we currently document can now be removed as a requirement? (e.g.
> texlive-lang-cyrillic).
> 2. The same question but for
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/contributor-big-page.html#requirements-for-building-documentation

If I understand correctly, there is no requirement that can be deleted.

`texlive-lang-cyrillic` is for Texinfo. It is not for LilyPond snippets.
The URW++ fonts are for LilyPond snippets.

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