On 2016/12/25 15:43:05, Knut_Petersen_t-online.de wrote:
Hi everybody!

> I'm only 90% happy about "" and \markup\null...
> For dynamic spanners and hairpins, we have \! to end them
> before a "natural" end event appears.  Is this similar enough to
> the use of the same token (i.e., \! would be translated to empty
> with a CompletizeExtenderEvent), and is it possible at all?
> should we have a special token for this (\. comes to my mind)?
The use of "" and  \markup\null is nothing new, so it needs to be
handled correctly anyway.
It's possible to move a \markup\null to the left or right, therefore
it is useful for \earlyExtender.
If this property is not needed "" will be used as it is much easier to
type. If \! or something similar
would be provided for the same purpose almost everybody probably still
would use the faster "".

Granted. Didn't think of that, probably because I can't remember having
ever used either.

__ meant "add an extender event", this is meaningless with the
proposed patch as
an extender event is added after every syllable. To increase
compatibility I feel that it
_never_ should be reused for anything.

Okay. I was considering that in case we could make \autoExtenderOff to
revert to the previous behavior.
But on second though, there is hardly any use for that, and it creates
more confusion than it's worth.

Bottom line: I withdraw both proposals.


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