Il giorno lun 6 mar 2017 alle 10:56, Urs Liska <> ha scritto:
IIRC there's a page for every @node, so:

$ git grep -i "@node gsoc"
Documentation/ca/web/community.itexi:@node GSoC 2012
Documentation/zh/web/community.itexi:@node GSoC 2012

seems to confirm your hypothesis that the website sync didn't work properly.

So does that indicate that the HTML document is created because there's a @node remaining in two translations, or does it mean what I thought: that an obsolete file simply isn't removed when uploading the new website?

To add to that: from looking at the website with Catalan selected I came to the file which is yet another one than It turns out that there's a gsoc-2012.html and a gsoc.html, both available in English and a number of translations and in different states of outdatedness

gsoc-2012.html is generated by an existing node: "@node GSoC 2012", as shown by the grep above.

But gsoc.html doesn't have any matching @node so it should be an obsolete file. I don't know how the website build process works. In order to remove obsolete files with rsync the option --delete must be used.

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