> I feel like the table of contents bar at the left is too wide.
> I agree; it can get a bit wide especially on wider monitors/windows.
> (Note I have not changed its width in this patch.)  Currently the size is a
> percentage of the window width.  We could make that smaller, but at the
> risk that it gets too narrow on smaller screens/windows.
> Another way would involve a different approach in the css, allowing us to
> set a maximum and minimum width to it.  But this would entail more
> work/changes to the css and maybe the html.  (e.g. to use floats, flexbox,
> or grid positioning rather than the current "position: fixed;" approach.)
> Or... we could keep the "position: fixed;" approach and set the width to a
> constant amount rather than a percentage.  And/or we could also set media
> query break points to change that constant for different window widths.
> This could even be combined with the percentages so it could effectively
> have a max and min width and be set by percent in between.
> In any case this would warrant its own issue.
> But I would be fine with it being like this.
> Glad to hear, and thanks for the feedback.
> -Paul

CSS is happy with both properties set:
width as a percentage and min-width as an absolute value.

There is no conflict and they should work together well.

David Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
skype: flaming_hakama
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
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