On 2017/09/25 12:13:34, knupero wrote:
kill --bigpdfs, introduce --use-encodings, remove code not needed by

On my system (Ubuntu Aarkvard) I have Ghostscript 9.21 which is fine.
Usually we try to support the last LTS versions of Ubuntu, possibly
RedHat (and Debian unstable ?).  Since we need to get our house in order
for the stable 2.20 release, I'd very much like to have a PostScript
setup we are comfortable with in the 2.20 release, and that means that
this patch (or some variation of it) should go in.

I don't really have a clue here: can someone chime in with the current
Ghostscript versions in possibly concerned distributions?  Naturally
including our own Gub-based ones?

Or is 9.20+ just a conservative estimate and older versions will (or
might) likely work as well?


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