
On 07/04/2018 09:41 AM, James Lowe wrote:

On Sun, 1 Jul 2018 17:52:02 -0400, Paul Morris  wrote:
Thanks.  It turned out I had a new SSH key that I hadn't added to
Savannah yet.  So I got it to work by following CG 3.4.9

I noticed that where the CG says:

SSH should issue the following warning:

The authenticity of host 'git.sv.gnu.org (' can't
be established.
RSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

Make sure the RSA key fingerprint displayed matches the one above.

This did not match what I saw in my terminal.  (I saved what I saw if
that's useful.)  It may have been a bad move but I lived dangerously and
went ahead anyway.  But the CG may need an update?
I checked and using the command

ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf <(ssh-keyscan git.sv.gnu.org 2>/dev/null)

I get this for MD5 hashes
1024 MD5:80:5a:b0:0c:ec:93:66:29:49:7e:04:2b:fd:ba:2c:d5 git.sv.gnu.org (RSA)

and for SHA256

1024 SHA256:FYkx0iik+iBeCLRzvUyUSTRT98TEBBJoYuQsTXbyGL8 git.sv.gnu.org (RSA)
So the CG prints the MD5 hash - and it looks OK to me.

If you didn't get either of those can you attach what you did get?


Below is what I got, which doesn't match what you have above.  Looks like I have ECDSA instead of RSA, or something?

$ git pull --verbose

The authenticity of host 'git.sv.gnu.org (' can't be 

ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:qRLLJ4w/GAeiDyYnbx4yWJbZXwGiYYxgNty7lAfUyuM.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

My .git/config file has this in it (except with my actual savannah username):

[remote "origin"]

    url = ssh://usern...@git.sv.gnu.org/srv/git/lilypond.git

    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*


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