On 7/10/2018 4:19 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Is LilyPond the only remaining serious user of GUB?  How does
Frescobaldi do things?

Looks to me like Frescobaldi is using various Python code and something called Inno Setup.

From <https://github.com/wbsoft/frescobaldi/blob/master/INSTALL>

"Freeze" installer

The freeze.py script can create a self-contained Windows-installer, bundling all of Python, PyQt5, popplerqt5 and pypm (from pygame) when used on MS Windows. To use the script you need cx_Freeze and Inno Setup.

<end GitHub quote>

The freeze.py script:


Inno Setup:


That site claim Microsoft's Visual Studio Code editor is using Inno Setup for its installer.

And possibly WINE would allow building a Windows installer on Linux with it.



Karlin High
Missouri, USA

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