Il giorno mar 29 gen 2019 alle 0:53, Karlin High <> ha scritto:

building package: darwin-ppc::odcctools
 *** Stage: download (odcctools, darwin-ppc)
 *** Stage: untar (odcctools, darwin-ppc)
Command barfed: tar -C /home/karlin/knut-gub/gub/target/darwin-ppc/src/odcctools-278 --strip-component=1 -v -z -xf /home/karlin/knut-gub/gub/downloads/odcctools/odcctools-iphone-dev-278.tar.gz

Tail of target/darwin-ppc/log/odcctools.log >>>>>>>>
    gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
    tar: Child returned status 1
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Command barfed: tar -C /home/karlin/knut-gub/gub/target/darwin-ppc/src/odcctools-278 --strip-component=1 -v -z -xf /home/karlin/knut-gub/gub/downloads/odcctools/odcctools-iphone-dev-278.tar.gz
<<<<<<<< Tail of target/darwin-ppc/log/odcctools.log

The output in the terminal is often useless in GUB. You have to open the log file mentioned there, in this case target/darwin-ppc/log/odcctools.log You may see that some binary is not found (you are missing a dependency). But I'd be surprised if you did not have tar or gzip installed.

More likely a download went wrong and the tar.gz file is not really a tar.gz file. You can check with this command:

file /home/karlin/knut-gub/gub/downloads/odcctools/odcctools-iphone-dev-278.tar.gz

If it's not a compressed file, remove it and relaunch 'make lilypond'.

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