On 01.02.19 14:28, Knut Petersen wrote:
I wonder if we really need libopenjpeg ...  Yes, we need jpeg ... but we also link against our own libjpeg, and we talk about tools::poppler.

Note: libopenjpeg is (misnomed and) only required for JPEG 2000. Traditional JPEG is taken care of by libjpeg, which doesn't cause problems.

You could try to build with:

commit 751ac35d67764c9be22a887ad513b819d8ed101d (HEAD -> newStateOfArt)


diff --git a/gub/specs/poppler.py b/gub/specs/poppler.py
index d8381f68..c8ec7063 100644
--- a/gub/specs/poppler.py
+++ b/gub/specs/poppler.py
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ class Poppler (target.AutoBuild):
     configure_flags = (target.AutoBuild.configure_flags
-                + ' --disable-poppler-qt'
+                + ' --disable-libopenjpeg'
                 + ' --disable-poppler-qt4'
+                + ' --disable-poppler-qt5'
                 + ' --enable-xpdf-headers'
                 + ' --disable-gtk-test')
                 # FIXME: poppler, librsvg, cairo, gtk dependencies?
@@ -43,7 +44,8 @@ class Poppler__tools (tools.AutoBuild, Poppler):
     configure_flags = (tools.AutoBuild.configure_flags
-                       + ' --disable-poppler-qt'
+                       + ' --disable-libopenjpeg'
                        + ' --disable-poppler-qt4'
+                       + ' --disable-poppler-qt5'
                        + ' --enable-xpdf-headers'
                        + ' --disable-gtk-test')

did the job.

Note the 'lib' in ' --disable-libopenjpeg', and that I added it to Poppler__tools as well (just in case). Also, '--disable-poppler-qt' is reportedly unknown, and should end with a '5' instead.
Finally, some solace from configure:

"Warning: Using libopenjpeg is recommended. The internal JPX decoder is unmaintained."

Which probably means that there's no loss in functionality, as the decoder at least used to work.

GUB-bing further down the road now...


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