On my system, your description matches: Current Master's musicxml2ly
python script runs fine using my local python2 (2.7.15rc1) but has
the error using 2.19.82's python2.4 (2.4.5).
Given that nobody is really working on musicxml2ly, I strongly suggest
that people start testing and using Jacques Menu's `xml2ly' program


(i.e., the `lilypond' branch of the `libmusicxml' git repository).

AFAIK, the results are far superior to the `musicxml2ly' script.

Well, the situation is that (at least with currently shipped 2.19.82) there is a tool called musicxml2ly (which is also explicitly supported in Frescobaldi, so people might expect it to work) but which fails on execution.

I'm not well acquainted with the situation for 2.20 (e.g. which Python version might be shipped with it), but it seems to me that to have a well-documented tool shipped with LilyPond might be a show-stopper for a stable release.

I'm not sure I see the situation correctly, but the only ways forward I see would be to

1) make musicxml2ly work again (by changing the Python version used, or by fixing the problems with 2.4), or
2) remove musicxml2ly from the distribution bundle, possibly
2a) without replacement,
2b) replaced by xml2ly

Even if 2b) is the most attractive route in the long term, as you suggest, it seems to me that only 2a) and maybe 1) can be expected to happen soon enough for a stable release of 2.20. And I'm not sure whether 2a) would be a good idea.

I'm willing to try and help, but I'm not at all convinced that my very limited coding skills can be of much use here.


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