Hi Andrew,

> That's a good book, but it is copyright 2002 Academic Press. So it is not 
> freely distributable.
> Generally speaking, since the lilypond community is strongly committed to 
> open source and its philosophy, suggesting violations of copyright are not 
> highly regarded. I am sorry to sound like a curmudgeon, but I think this is 
> an important principle related to intellectual property.

> Having said that, I thank you for your recommendation and I believe I shall 
> buy that text, of which I was unaware.

Agreed.  I actually hesitated between sending this link or just
recommending the book, but since the link is on the first page of
google hits, I thought there's not much difference.  I should have
added an explicit caveat like "look into it then buy it, please, as
it's not free".

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