marnen <> writes:

> My understanding from other posts here (correct me if I'm wrong) is
> that a major (legal, not technical) roadblock for doing this with GUB
> is the licensing requirement that seems to require that Xcode be run
> on Apple hardware, and the lack of consistent availability of Apple
> hardware for builds.

The GPL 3.0 does not allow additional restrictions such as requiring
certain hardware.  Availability is not an issue, the restrictions are.

> If that's so, then I have a suggestion that doesn't seem to have been
> made at least on this list so far.  Travis CI provides a cloud-based
> Mac build environment (see
> for specifics), and
> like all of Travis's services, this is available free of charge to
> open-source projects. If we can get GUB or something else suitable to
> run on Travis's Mac build environment (which seems likely), then our
> Mac build issue should be solved, right?

This is not a problem of abilities but of permissions.

David Kastrup

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