On 30.06.19 10:45, Jean-Charles Malahieude wrote:

Unfortunately, I don't remember if my last merge was just before upgrading to 
Fedora 30 or not. And Federico, who runs a Fedora 30 as well if I'm not 
mistaken, pushed on Translation mid-June…

Build it yourself. Building and installing extractpdfmark is  an easy an fast 
Cloning the repository, building, testing and installing of extractpdfmark takes
less than 20 seconds here:

   git clone https://github.com/trueroad/extractpdfmark.git && \
   cd extractpdfmark && \
   ./autogen.sh && \
   mkdir build && \
   cd build && \
   ../configure && \
   make && \
   make check && \
   sudo make install

If building fails: Have a look at extractpdfmark/README.md - there you find a 
list of required packages.

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