On Oct 28, 2019, at 05:32, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Operand stack:
> (.../gub/uploads/webtest/v2.21.0-1-unpack/v2.21.0-1/share/lilypond/current/fonts/otf/emmentaler-20.otf)
>    (r)
> Execution stack: [...]
> Last OS error: No such file or directory
> because the `share' tree present in
> gub/uploads/webtest/v2.21.0-1-unpack/v2.19.83-1/
> is not created by the script in
> gub/uploads/webtest/v2.21.0-1-unpack/v2.21.0-1/

This fixes the lilypond-test stage: https://github.com/gperciva/gub/pull/70

The lilypond-doc stage fails for me, but I don't think it's related.  There are 
messages about shared library versions not being found.

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