David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi all,
> I'm having difficulty getting my LilyDev machine to work with SSH.
> I've followed the steps in the Contributor's Guide.  Below is what
> happens.  I've included my config file, too.
> If anyone can help, I'd be very grateful.  I've got a patch to submit
> but I've been struggling for days to reinstall LilyDev.
> Thanks,
> David
> BTW: ssh is not installed in the latest LilyDev release; perhaps a
> note is needed in the manual
> [dev@lilydev:lilypond-git]$ git pull --verbose
> The authenticity of host 'git.sv.gnu.org (' can't be 
> established.
> ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:qRLLJ4w/GAeiDyYnbx4yWJbZXwGiYYxgNty7lAfUyuM.
> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

I read "yes" so this does not look like a problem with the key.

> Warning: Permanently added 'git.sv.gnu.org,' (ECDSA) to
> the list of known hosts.

Again, this looks like the right reaction.  Should work without this
prompt next time.

> error: object file
> .git/objects/76/008183503d70d4b37a73f19e60c2438112a5a8 is empty
> error: object file
> .git/objects/76/008183503d70d4b37a73f19e60c2438112a5a8 is empty
> fatal: loose object 76008183503d70d4b37a73f19e60c2438112a5a8 (stored
> in .git/objects/76/008183503d70d4b37a73f19e60c2438112a5a8) is corrupt
> [dev@lilydev:lilypond-git]$ fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Rather sounds like a different problem like a dead server/connection.
Try again?

David Kastrup

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