Thanks, James!

On Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 4:07 AM James <> wrote:
> David,
> On 15/11/2019 13:31, David Nalesnik wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 4:31 AM James Lowe <> wrote:
> >> David et al.
> >>
> >> On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 07:33:01 +0100, Urs Liska <> 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi David,
> >>>
> >>> I feel responsible for this because I know where this is coming from  ;-)
> >>>
> >>> You can send me the patch. However, it's a long time since I uploaded
> >>> anything, so I'm not sure my set-up still works. But I'll try.
> >>>
> >>> Best
> >>> Urs
> >>>
> >>> Am 15.11.19 um 04:10 schrieb David Nalesnik:
> >>>> Hi all,
> >>>>
> >>>> I have a patch which implements measure-attached spanners.  I am
> >>>> having a devil of a time getting the patch up for review.  I simply
> >>>> can't get git-cl to upload it.  (I suspect this has something to do
> >>>> with the number of files it touches--my system times out before
> >>>> everything can be uploaded.)
> >>>>
> >>>> Would someone be willing to shepherd the patch for me?
> >>>>
> >>>> Attached is a PNG which shows the output of one of the regtests.
> >>>>
> >>>> This would _really_ be appreciated.  Thanks!
> >>>>
> >>>> David
> >> What I would suggest (generally to anyone on this list that ever needs a 
> >> patch shepherding) is to make sure a tracker exists - @David, as I know 
> >> you have access to create tickets you can at least do this - and then 
> >> attach your patch to that and set the tracker to 'started' so that at the 
> >> very least if (for example) Urs forgets, goes on holiday, has some 
> >> emergency, that I can at least pick it up/detect it on the countdown and 
> >> put it up for review myself.
> >>
> >> I do this all the time for 'drive by' patches.
> >>
> >> James
> >>
> > Thanks for this explanation.  I discovered that my patch had gone to
> > Rietveld, only no ticket was created.  So the error has to do with the
> > issue tracker.  Here's hoping that it's possible to do what's left
> > manually without too much trouble!
> Status = 'started'
> Patch = 'new'
> Those two things will get it on the radar.
> James

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