
On Wed, 27 Nov 2019 10:51:15 +0100 (CET), Martin Tarenskeen 
<m.tarensk...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

> On Wed, 27 Nov 2019, Peter Toye wrote:
> > I'm not sure how many LP user use the MIDI output anyway, given its 
> > restrictions. Personally, I use it for proof-reading only, so lack of 
> > repeats isn't an issue.
> I use MIDI output mainly for proofreading, but at occasions where I need 
> better MIDI output I always create separate scores for layout{} and 
> midi{}. In the midi-only version I copy/paste all music in the correct 
> order instead of using any repeat instructions. Also suitable for complex 
> Da Capo / Segno / Coda types of repeats. If I arrange my music in blocks 
> using variables and use my favorite texteditor it really isn't that much 
> extra work and it is a usable workaround for Lilypond's restrictions.
> Sometimes even \unfoldRepeats doesn't do the trick.
> -- 
> MT

Do we need an @knownissue in the Notation Reference?


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