On 2020/01/14 13:59:43, dak wrote:
On 2020/01/14 13:52:02, hahnjo wrote:
> Is this ok to push in its current revision?

I am not overly happy that it makes for inoperative code in the case
of a
read-only repository that autogen.sh tries catering for.  Can/should
pass some sort of environment variable that this can be picked up from
in the
shell code executed for getting the version number?  Or is this
available in
some m4 variable one could pick up?

As autoconf itself doesn't handle this case, I doubt there is a good

Maybe at least stick a #FIXIT comment into autogen.sh (and possibly
configure.ac) so that someone bumping into this has less trouble
figuring out
what went wrong?

Sure can do. If nobody complains, maybe we could even consider dropping
support for autogen'ing a readonly source directory?


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