
> On 19/01/2020 07:41, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
>> I don't how this done today with LilyPond (manually?). Doing this
>> manually is tedious and error-prone busywork. 
> Thanks for the compliment Han-wen.
> Much appreciated.
> regards
> James 'the error-prone busy-worker'.

And doing quite an amazing bit of work.  Automation was better at one
point of time, but the visual comparison of results at least cannot be
replaced, and the sleuth work for pinpointing actual causes of problems
is also something that has become a rather remarkable improvement over
what automation could deliver.

This certainly is not about improving the contributions to our process
that you deliver, it's about making them more effective in order to
attract more new and possibly old developers.

Whether this is effective is something we'll have to see: while our
contribution procedures may appear baroque, the code base to actual work
on is byzantine in comparison.

David Kastrup

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