Am Mo., 20. Jan. 2020 um 22:07 Uhr schrieb Han-Wen Nienhuys <>:
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 10:00 PM Thomas Morley <> 
> wrote:

>> Furthermore in Salzburg we said to try "latin 1"- encoding everywhere
>> (for newer guile-versions).
>> I'd need some assistance about the how-to, then I could test it as well.
> I expect that actually nothing has to be done. I would assume that the C APIs 
> we use are backward compatible. We should just avoid calling any functions 
> that interpret a string as UTF-8 encoded Unicode.

Ok, so let me ask differently, how to "avoid calling any functions
that interpret a string as UTF-8 encoded Unicode"?
Which probably includes the need to know which functions currently do
so. Those David listed?


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