On 2020/01/30 23:22:46, hanwenn wrote:
> In the lily/ directory
>  git grep 'vector<[^>]\+> &' *c|grep -v const
> returns 20 results, which is pretty small, given the number of methods
in the
> code base. A cursory inspection suggests that Mike introduced most of
these, and
> I would have probably suggested to use pointers there too. I would
also change
> these signatures if would stumble across them while refactoring
something else.

Wouldn't this policy tend toward crimes against readability like the

void twiddle_vector(vector<int> *vec)
  if (!vec || vec->empty ())

  for (size_t i = 0; i < vec->size() - 1; ++i)
      if ((*vec)[i] < 10)
         (*vec)[i] = (*vec)[i] + 2 * (*vec)[i + 1];
        (*vec)[i] = (*vec)[i] * 2 - (*vec)[i + 1];

How would you approach that?


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