On 2020/03/08 21:07:17, dak wrote:
> On 2020/03/08 20:49:46, hahnjo wrote:
> > Hm okay, never mind then. As a plain build (no docs) is working on
FreeBSD, I
> > guess we're not coming across these ;-)
> po files are used for LilyPond proper, so if sed -i would be a problem
> FreeBSD, my hunch that those lines would be executed in the context of
a normal
> build process would be wrong.

Entirely possible that this is dead code in stepmake. It has some
ifeq ($(strip $(depth)),.)
which is only true if run from the top directory? Anyway, not in the
scope of this review.

> I am not too thrilled with the prospect of going
> through temporary files, and if I change this to use an ed script, I'd
> get murdered.
> On the other hand, the temporary file could just be named $@.tmp
without much of
> a problem.  Right?

Probably. But as I'm not really interested in building the docs on
FreeBSD, we can as well leave it for now and revisit later on.


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