Am Mittwoch, den 15.04.2020, 21:15 +0200 schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld:
> With 2.21.0 done, I'd like to restart discussion about switching our
> development platform. To recall, we had proposals about using Gerrit
> [1] (don't miss follow-ups in March [2]) and GitLab / [3].
> [...]
> To conclude, I believe we should choose one of Gerrit and GitLab and
> have a trial to see if the processes can be carried over. (If not, we
> can still give the other platform a try.)
> I'd propose we kind of vote, so please reply with your thoughts.

I think GitLab is the better match in the current situation for the
following reasons:
1) It provides a complete forge platform. This allows to replace all
three tools that we currently use to host & browse the source code,
keep track of bug reports, and review code.
2) is hosted and you only need a single account. If you want
to it's possible to log in with Google or GitHub (and others), but you
can also just have a plain account with username and password.

I acknowledge that Gerrit might provide a better review experience for
large graphs of commits. However I think that the integration into a
single tool outweighs that advantage.


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