David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:
>> Valentin Villenave <valen...@villenave.net> writes:
>>> On 4/19/20, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>>> Note that the delete-file instructions are executed while the book is
>>>> being read in while markup is typeset when the books are being processed
>>>> at the end of the input file.
>>> Yes, it looked completely bonkers to me as well, until I realized it worked 
>>> :-)
>>>> No idea whether the fonts made it into
>>>> LilyPond at that point of time, or how happy LilyPond is with them
>>>> appearing.
>>> No, because at this point the first \book has already been processed,
>>> and even GS should already be invoked. That’s the whole point of
>>> putting that stuff inside another \book.
>> There is no point in putting the deletion of files "inside another
>> \book" since it is not being executed when the book is typeset but when
>> the book is read in.
>>>> There may well be race conditions here.
>>> Well, AFAIK there’s no parallelism inside a same .ly file being
>>> processed for different \book outputs. (If there _was_, that would be
>>> great news though!)
>> Again: file creation and deletion happens while the book is being read
>> in, typesetting happens when the book is being processed.  File handles
>> will tend to stick around until garbage collected.  That is not as much
>> "parallelism" as an absence of order.
> So I am afraid that things are rather weird at my side:
> input/regression/font-name-add-files.ly:244:4: error: GUILE signaled an error 
> for the expression beginning here
>   #
>    (rmdir dummyfontdir)
> Directory not empty
> Finding the ideal number of pages...
> Fitting music on 1 page...
> Drawing systems...
> Layout output to `/tmp/lilypond-pXKtKN'...
> Converting to `font-name-add-files-1.pdf'...
> Deleting `/tmp/lilypond-pXKtKN'...
> fatal error: failed files: "input/regression/font-name-add-files.ly"
> dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/lilypond2$ ls -l dummyfont-C5PUYM-dir/
> total 0
> dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/lilypond2$ ls -la dummyfont-C5PUYM-dir/
> total 12
> drwxrwxr-x  2 dak dak 4096 Apr 19 19:51 .
> drwxrwxr-x 25 dak dak 4096 Apr 19 19:51 ..
> -rw-r--r--  1 dak dak   36 Apr 19 19:51 .uuid
> dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/lilypond2$ cat dummyfont-C5PUYM-dir/.uuid 
> 35d52a4b-44f7-41b6-afca-165a4187aa4fdak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/lilypond2$ 
> Does anybody have an idea _what_ and _why_ would leave a .uuid file
> lying around in the temporary file with, well, an uuid kind of number in
> it?  Is that an artifact of my freetype library or something?

Seems to be something that fontconfig does.

David Kastrup

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