On 4/19/20, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> At that day I was having one patchy run after the other and I did go
> through the log files to indicate the failed file and the error message.

Yep, and I asked for additional info both on the tracker and on
Rietveld; the only reply I did get was from James who confirmed that
the patch was actually running fine on his system, but we agreed to
put it through the reviewing process again. It went through
`reviewing’, `countdown’ and `push’ stages (and languished in the
latter for one more week), at which point I thought I could give it
another go (and I didn’t want to nag you about that any longer, as I
quite noticed that you were focusing on more pressing issues). But at
least this finally allowed us to track down the exact problem, and I
will indeed submit a workaround soon.

> At some point of time, I dropped the
> shoe.  It did not help my focus at that time that Han-Wen was fighting a
> contribution of mine nail and tooth.

Indeed (and your work is still in limbo in that regard, which I hope
gets resolved soon btw, as all this work on the C++ consistency is
much more fundamental and important than some hackish regtest anyway).

I have no objection to this getting reverted (yet again), as long as
I’m now able to understand exactly what went wrong and why, which you
turned out to be the only one who could investigate! So this is
certainly not a case of shoe-dropping as far as I’m concerned.

  - V.

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