On 12/05/2020 14:49, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:
Am Dienstag, den 12.05.2020, 13:43 +0000 schrieb Carl Sorensen:
On 5/12/20, 6:43 AM, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:

In my opinion, there are currently far too many labels on GitLab. To
avoid the situation getting worse, please do not create new labels out
of thin air for now. Instead we should first contemplate on what we
really need and configure this appropriately. (Adding a label for every
possible warning that could be fixed is not helpful.)

->CS  And following up on this, it seems like we should move away from 
Fixed_x_y_z to Fixed::x.y.z

->CS  Although, that is still one label per release, at least the labels are 
all grouped under the prefix Fixed::
Actually I think we should use milestones for this. They can be closed
and don't clutter the labels.
This comes with the disadvantage that there can be at most one
milestone set (which you also get with the scoped labels). This is not
correct for some patches that have been backported. I'm still building
ideas for how to handle this.


I have some time today, so I am going through the '[FI|fi|Fi]xed' labels and making sure we end up with just the 'Fixed_x_y_z' version. I then delete the FI/fi labels once I have checked there are no issues with then assigned that doesn't have a correct label.

I know that there maybe some decision eventually to go to 'Fixed::x.y.z' but for now getting it all to a style that is consistent and what we were using before.

I believe the old x_y_z style was used simply to make scripting easier - no white space/escaping space to bother about for git-cl and whatever other tools we had and we just carried this style over to Allura.

It might be possible to use gitlab's API to do this, but I don't know how to do that and I might as well make a start and try to tidy up as many of the FI/fi versions as possible.


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