Am Sonntag, den 24.05.2020, 11:41 +0100 schrieb James Lowe:
> OK. Using Masamichi's MR as an example (nothing personal Hosoda-san!) I 
> saw that his MR !81 came up via - I am using the latest 
> update of this BTW - so looking at this MR via the web I could not tell 
> if this had done its make doc or not.
> A few mins later I saw your email/update in the ticket to Hosoda-san and 
> and I can also see a new commit/MR update in the same thread and that 
> !81 still appears in the list.
> So has this done a make doc or not? I am still unsure at this point.

I can't tell you for sure either. It could be that the fork at has Pipelines enabled, but only
visible to project members. Hosoda-san, could you check this in your
project? The drop-down is at Settings > General > Visibility ... >
Pipelines. I'm guessing here, could be something else...
Because the jobs appear to have run, see the green check at the commit
That's also what the API tells, but we don't see the logs 😞

> See: (as of 11:25BST anyway)
> It has (had) no mention of !81 and I cannot see anything in the thread 
> that says it has passed make doc.

I think this is because pipelines for merge requests run in the context
of the forked project, see

FWIW the same happens for my merge requests, see the page at

> So now I am unsure what to do, because if I run my new set of tests I 
> *won't* be doing make doc, and if I change this MR to Patch::review and 
> it hasn't had a make doc, then it will go through the countdown not 
> tested properly right?
> Q1. What cases will I get a false positive with if a MR has 
> not had a make doc done - this seems, at the moment to be user-error prone.
> Q2. How can I be sure (at least for the first few dozen or so patch 
> tests) that the MR really has done the make doc via CI? (i.e. without 
> the script) should I see the MR in that URL I listed above?

You should see it at the individual MR, can you check

> Q3. How does user know that his patch has failed the make doc (and that 
> I won't have even tested it) I assume this is because the patch will get 
> set back to 'needs_work' (and they'll get notified)?

The user gets an email that the pipeline failed. Setting to
'needs_work' is currently manual (me), but I'll make sure to also put a
comment in the thread.


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