Am Donnerstag, den 18.06.2020, 10:47 +0100 schrieb James:
> On 18/06/2020 09:18, Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond 
> development wrote:
> > > Another things to consider (if you build docs locally) if to remove
> > > extractpdfmark. It is extremely slow.
> > Ack.
> Yes but let's not do that for the PDFs we eventually use for the 
> website. The size savings are worth it for users - at least from the 
> feedback we had when Hosoda-san came up with this.

Yes, I fully agree that this is a good thing to have for releases.

> Maybe, if it is so slow (and I guess that is a relative term), he can 
> improve it?

I think the "slowness" comes from processing every PDF twice. That's
kind of inherent to the task, so not sure there's much to improve here.
Disabling locally is already a good workaround for everything else.


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