Hi Michael,

1. I've been using VBox version 6.1.8, one version behind the latest. Today
I updated to 6.1.10, but the problem persists.
2. No, I'm not using -j, but today I tried -j2 to see what would happen.
Both threads got stuck, one while processing feta11.pfb, and the other
while processing feta-noteheads11.pfb. The command line printed two
copyright notices, as expected, but nothing else has changed.
3. Yes, I ran apt update. I also set up another VM *without* running apt
update, to see if that would change anything. The issue was still there.
4. No, I didn't. I can't seem to find an invoke-mf2pt1.sh file anywhere.
Where should it be?
5. I have a few VMs set up as of this week, all of which have the issue.
The most recent one I made has no extra IDE installed or extra files
hanging around. I just followed the setup instructions and attempted to
build master, nothing else. It's as close as I can get to a MWE. Would you
like to see that one, or my original workspace?


On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 2:04 AM Michael Käppler <xmichae...@web.de> wrote:

> >> I'd really like to see if someone can reproduce any of this on a
> >> different
> >> machine and a fresh LilyDev VM, so please holler if you're willing to
> >> try!
> > I will try this today.
> I cannot reproduce this, neither with current master (7854d1b4)
> nor with dev/lamb/GSoC-2020.
> I'm using LilyDev 2 in VirtualBox on a Windows 10 host, like you.
> A few questions:
> 1. Which version of VirtualBox are you using?
> 2. Are you doing parallel builds with make -j ?
> 3. Did you do any updates after installing the LilyDev image?
> 4. Did you try to invoke 'invoke-mf2pt1.sh' manually on the failing file?
> 5. Would you mind to upload (after cleaning up your working tree and
> removing any personal data that you do not want to share and setting the
> default password) your .vdi file
> somewhere? I could then try to reproduce the problem with your image
> and search for differences against my working image.
> You could also zip your whole directory structure and upload that, but
> I'd prefer
> comparing from the actual image, as you're using it.
> Cheers,
> Michael

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