> in ancient (ars subtilior) notation there actually are noteheads
> with two stems (which may also be flagged differently), called
> "dragma".  a picture search for "dragma ars subtilior" returned poor
> images; one not entirely useless is
> https://www.last.fm/music/Philippus+de+Caserta/+images/f82a66af9573ba3cf431b0b1986f07e8
> (staff three, the black block between two red block in the first
> half of the staff); or see the youtube video
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd3ouxA9p-o

Very interesting, thanks for the links!  I think these double-stemmed
noteheads count as stems in the normal, modern sense – in particular,
the length of the stems never change.  I rather think that we should
consider them special glyphs, this is, note head + lower stem (or note
head and lower hook, respectively) should form complete glyph

Are those glyphs already in SMuFL?


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