Le 19/09/2020 à 21:30, Aaron Hill a écrit :
On 2020-09-19 11:48 am, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
Hi all,

As part of a large change to CG section 3, "Working with source code",
I'd like to link to a page with a choice of Git GUIs. There is this on
Git's official website:


Here comes the problem: it links to both free as in speech and
proprietary software.

Is it fine with respect to GNU guidelines to link to that page? Maybe with a sentence like "We recommend picking a piece of free software among those."?

My $0.02 is that the page you referenced clearly labels each program by platform, price, and license.  If that were not the case, then one could justify providing an appropriately curated list to ensure the user is well-informed.  I say follow the free(dom)/libre principle--link to that page, and let the user make their own choice.

Regarding your sentence, I wonder if the word "recommend" could be problematic.  Granted you are not calling out any particular program that might be misconstrued as sponsorship or advertisement.  What do you think of this phrasing?

"This site (link) provides a list of GUI clients, including free software for various platforms."

Thanks, I like this version.

I've put it in https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/merge_requests/418 for review.

Best regards,

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