On 15/11/20 13:37, Graham King wrote:
> I think Gould's positioning looks _slightly_ better, except at 
> line-beginnings where I definitely prefer lilypond's.  Moreover, the position 
> immediately after a bar line is heavily-contested real-estate, as your 
> examples make clear.  Therefore it would be good to retain the option to 
> preserve the status quo, especially where convert-ly might otherwise cause 
> skyline changes to existing scores.

Plus one for this. Although I'm quite happy with this MR
centre-justifying over the barline. Before the bar line definitely feels
wrong - I was taught to count rests by counting the bar number on the
last beat: 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 etc, so yes the bar number would
appear to apply to the wrong bar ...

Bear in mind we put rehearsal marks (including bar number marks)
centre-justified by default, so why not bar numbers.

And again, having options makes things better - don't forget not
everybody plays orchestral music, there's a LOT of music people might
want to copy that pre-dates Gould (is ANY post-Gould music out of
copyright?), and different traditions do things in different ways (much
of the stuff I like playing is pre-Gould).


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