Il giorno ven, gen 1 2021 at 16:37:40 -0500, Kieren MacMillan <> ha scritto:
Hi Jonas (et al.),

 I would claim that the contributor experience has been pretty stable
since the initial switch to GitLab. Enabling CI and the recent work to
 also run 'make check' automatically shouldn't change much from a
 contributor's point of view, I hope.
 I can't promise to give detailed guidance, the procedures should be
 described in unstable's CG, but if there's anything unclear or even
 wrong I'm more than happy to help you and of course fix the docs.

So here’s what I’ve done, as per <>:

1. Download & install VirtualBox. No problem!

2. Download LilyDev 2 from <>. Um… There’s only one file that seems like it’s the downloadable one (, and it’s not named as per the docs ("lilydev-vm-fedora-VERSION"). Is that a doc problem, or am I being daft?

3. Unzip the downloaded file. It becomes a folder containing an .img file. Okay… except the docs claim it should be a "raw" file. So do I try to convert that to VDI?

Note: I’m on Mac OS High Sierra (10.13.6).

Hi Kieren

Sorry, it's my fault: I've been busy in other stuff and I forgot LilyDev.
I'll try to make a new release soon.

The command to convert to VDI is here:

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