Yes, I was thinking of that too, but I left it for now. That being said, I 
think I can quite easily come up with something. The important thing would be: 
I’d have to check the height of this markup (which either needs a good 
approximation or simply an on-the-fly call), from there I can work out how 
much the markup should be raised.

> I wonder if the logic for scaling parenthesis thickness should really be
> baked into that markup command.  I could imagine users of \bracket or
> \parenthesize might want values to smartly scale.  If that work could be
> refactored there, it would clean up a little bit of the work you've done
> within the chord names.

Im sorry, I do not really understand what you try to say. Do you mean it 
should be done so or do you mean it shouldn’t?


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