Knut, if you read this message via the mailing list, please try to find
out why my messages don't reach you. email addresses seem to become more and more obsolete. 
and block t-online, you get blocked by t-online. lkml blocked 
t-online about 8 years ago.

I changed my lilydevel subscription to AFAICS administrators 
seem to hesitate to block as it is big enough to be important ;-)

Yes, cairomm was a bad idea. Using cairo directly (and staying with c++11) 
isn't a problem.


  • Cairo Knut Petersen
    • Re: Cairo Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development
      • Re: Cairo Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development
        • Re: Ca... Rene Brandenburger
        • Re: Ca... Knut Petersen
          • Re... David Kastrup
            • ... Knut Petersen
              • ... David Kastrup
                • ... Werner LEMBERG
                • ... Jean Abou Samra
                • ... David Kastrup
                • ... David Kastrup
              • ... Lukas-Fabian Moser
                • ... Knut Petersen
                • ... David Kastrup

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