Fwiw, I like it, there's all sorts of weird edge cases in there that on
occasion are quite handy


On Sat, 7 May 2022, 11:45 Sebastiano Vigna, <sebastiano.vi...@unimi.it>

> > On 7 May 2022, at 09:30, Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:
> >
> > - What is the LSR's bus factor? As far as I can see, 1,
> >   since while Sebastiano was inactive it remained stuck
> >   in 2.18 (I for one thought it was dead and buried,
> >   I stopped interacting with it because making snippets
> >   compatible with 2.18 was extra work, and I'm seldom
> >   seeing links to it on mailing lists these days),
> True, my fault. I'll try to be more responsive in the future. In this
> round I have revamped a lot of things that I was terrified to touch with a
> ten foot pole, as I thought they would break (it's been almost 20 years).
> >
> > - What can be done to increase this bus factor?
> Well, if you see it's not really used, we can make it go to infinity by
> shutting it down...
> Ciao,
>                                         seba

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