Le 23/05/2022 à 23:00, Wol a écrit :
On 23/05/2022 20:19, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
Vendoring Guile seems totally impractical. The Guile compilation does
some sort of bootstrapping, which makes building it from scratch
glacially slow (like: O(1 hour)), so it would be impossible for day to
day development work.

Just an idea, if "current" Guile has issues - could you just vendor Guile in the stable release?

As said above, current Guile has issues, but not issues that are very pressing for us.

That way at least you're not committed to supporting old Guiles indefinitely, but you can create a temporary fork to get a working release out the door ...

The binary creation system actually builds dependencies in an isolated environment and supports applying patches to them.


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