Le 10/08/2022 à 19:30, Vincent Gay a écrit :
Le 10/08/2022 à 05:01, Dan Eble a écrit :
Can you clarify for me what you wanted to achieve?
Finally I can say things differently. In jazz we don't use (or rarely use) reheasalmarks like in classical music. On the other hand we need various text systems that can sometimes (often) overlap. I had a very interesting discussion with Jean where he explained me the philosophy behind the technical choices made by the Lilypond team, especially in terms of repeats (D.S., D.C., coda...). In short, I hope I'm not distorting, your ambition would be What You Say Is What You Get. This would be wonderful in a world of closed, known concepts, like 19th century music. But difficult to live in another world.

So OK, let's keep the rehearsalmarks to be only what they are supposed to be, but please give us system texts to put wherever we want as we want.

I was thinking along the same lines. Looking at
https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/3425 and
https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/5631, it may
be a good idea to introduce a separate AdHocMark (or whatever
name) grob, with dedicated commands \adHocMark (beginning or
middle of line, break-visibility = end-of-line-invisible)
and \adHocEndMark (middle or end of line, break-visibility =
begin-of-line-invisible).  We’d have specific marks for specific cases
(RehearsalMark CodaMark SegnoMark JumpScript SectionLabel) and ad
hoc marks would be a "do whatever you want" feature for all the rest.

If we additionally introduce \rehearsalMark as doing the same
as \mark \default, we'd have the nice mapping

\rehearsalMark → RehearsalMark
\adHocMark     → AdHocMark
\codaMark      → CodaMark
\segnoMark     → SegnoMark

An open question is whether \mark should then enter a deprecation
cycle. It's a widely used command, so we'd have to consider that

There is also \mark <integer>. I don't know if it's really that
useful. If you need this, you can just as well do

  \set Score.rehearsalMark = <integer>
  \mark \default

Another open question is how several marks, of any kind, should be
positioned relative to each other when they are at the same place.
In the example that started this thread, should the "A" mark be above
the segno mark, or on its right, or on its left?


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