Jean Abou Samra <> writes:

> Le 13/08/2022 à 23:11, David Kastrup a écrit :
>> Well, we are currently in the position where both
>> <c:8> and c:8
>> are accepted syntactically and create a music expression, but the
>> former is garbage that is not getting typeset but possibly has some
>> effect in MIDI when using .
> Yes, so <c:8> is something I'll never care about or see in the manual.

So why care?

> If I have to learn both and recall which is which, mental trouble
> arises. It's not that _I_ can't remember it, but we need to think
> about beginners and casual users ...

Colon already _is_ being used in chord mode.  It's not like we are
opening a new can of worms here.

>> The last time we had a discussion about joining notemode and chordmode
>> into one composite mode (often _only_ being able to talk in terms of
>> chords rather than combinations of notes and chords is too constrained
>> for practical purposes), we did not really arrive at any syntax people
>> considered favorable.  Personally, I'd rather write tremolos as /8
>> rather than :8...
> { c1*7/8 }
> vs
> { c1*7 /8 }

Yikes.  Maybe we had that discussion already.

> Maybe use “//” if we go the route of changing tremolo syntax?

Well, this is one of those cases where I get the "even worse" vibe from
most alternative suggestions.

>>>  From time to time, a user asks on the mailing lists why
>>> fingeringOrientations isn't working for them because they
>>> missed that for it to work, notes have to be put into
>>> single-note chords ...
>>> Random idea, I don't know if it actually makes a lot of sense:
>>> { c:M c:M8 c:m c:m8 }
>>> (force "major" to be explicit so ‘:’ has chord meaning if followed
>>> by a chord modifier, and tremolo meaning if followed by a number)
>> c:5 is already valid and meaningful.
> In chord mode? Yes.

This wasn't a chord mode proposal.  It was for recognising chords in

> Not sure I understand your objection. Could you explain?

David Kastrup

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