On Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 03:40:03PM +0200, Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on 
LilyPond development wrote:
> > Silence means consent.
> How can you consent to a question, whether to branch or not?  This
> time I even explicitly asked for thoughts. A (stable) release should
> be a team effort, that's not something a single person should or want
> to decide...

I think I already weighed in in support of the idea. I don't know how
else I might contribute, but I would like to help if there is anything I
can do.


  • Re: To branch or no... Kevin Barry
  • Re: To branch or no... Jean Abou Samra
    • Re: To branch ... Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development
      • Re: To bra... Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development
        • Re: To... Jean Abou Samra
          • Re... Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development
            • ... Jean Abou Samra
              • ... Jean Abou Samra
              • ... Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development
              • ... Kevin Barry
            • ... Werner LEMBERG
              • ... David Kastrup
              • ... Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development
              • ... Werner LEMBERG
              • ... Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development
              • ... Lukas-Fabian Moser
              • ... Jean Abou Samra
              • ... Werner LEMBERG
              • ... Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond development
              • ... Dan Eble

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