On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 9:07 AM Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:

> Anyway, this discussion is academical. It would have practical
> relevance if we were creating the project today.
> `git shortlog -s | wc -l` tells that there have been
> 236 contributors to the project. We cannot ask each of
> them to assign copyright to the LilyPond foundation even
> if we were to create it.
To a point, though: first off, if you start change, you embark on a path
that will eventually take you to a better place.
Secondarily, although there are 236 contributors, how many have contributed
code that
is still alive (and needed)?

I'm saying that I don't agree with your statement that we cannot ask 236
people to assign copyright.
It seems to me it's far from impossible to send a couple hundred emails,
filter the responses and blast out
a code update. Of the X remaining (80?) we can analyze the impact of the
corresponding code and
proceed with a decision (a part of the project is in a difficult spot, code
is rewritten, functionality turns out to
be buggy or dead, many scenarios are possible).

Besides, if a foundation in itself is needed, it doesn't seem impossible to
get one going, is it?

One thing that seems certain to me is that doing nothing guarantees there
will be no change.


Luca Fascione

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