On Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 11:06:45AM +0100, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Hi,
> What should we do? Do we accept releasing 2.24 from
> the release-8_2 branch in BDWGC even though it is not
> released? Do we keep the current workaround, which still
> gives some crashes? Do we replace our workaround
> with Ivan Maidanski's patch, which seems to apply cleanly
> on the v.8.2.2 tag?

How sure are we that this patch fixes the issue?

Assuming that it does fix it, then I think our options are:
- release what we have anyway, and follow up with a patch release
  removing our workaround when it's no longer needed
- wait for the patch to be released

My personal preference is for the latter option, but I think either
option is OK. I don't like the idea of a stable release built from an
unreleased version of BDWGC.


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