On Sat, 2023-01-14 at 18:11 +0100, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> I would have to test how difficult it actually is to cross-compile
> Poppler, but my own assessment is that keeping MinGW cross-compilation
> of a C++ project working is potentially more burdensome on the long-term
> than with a Rust one, so to me, both aspects speak in favor of librsvg.
> I recognize that, having some (but not a lot of) experience with Rust
> may make me biased.

I don't really understand this argument: We are cross-compiling some
tens of C++ projects already, whereas adding Rust is a first here. From
my point of view, this is certainly the bigger "burden" here, as long
as we make CMake behave.

> By the way, I checked the version of CMake in CentOS 7. According
> to https://pkgs.org/search/?q=cmake, it's 2.8.12, while the minimum
> required CMake version for building current versions of Poppler
> (I checked the latest release, Poppler 23.01.0, as well as master)
> is 3.16.0. Thus, either way, we'll -- unfortunately -- have to accept
> that some tools needed to run a build need to be installed outside
> of the distribution.

That's not true, we can use the version from el7 (which we use for
something else already, I forgot which package). This offers us CMake
3.17.5 from the "official" repos (for some definition of "official").

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