On Sat, Jan 14, 2023 at 4:10 PM David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> What should it be?
> The presence of a \layout block in a score makes for typeset output.
> \paper contains things like paper dimensions only necessary for typeset
> output.  Also base file names that are also relevant for MIDI.
> Global markup currently only gets to see the \paper block.  That also
> concerns things like \score markup that can get information for
> typesetting from \layout blocks.
> Layout blocks "inherit" from the paper block: when a variable in a
> layout block is not set, it is taken from the respective paper block.
> Currently a "paper-book" where the typesetting is done only stores the
> relevant paper block.  Consequently, any page-level/top-level markup
> currently gets only the paper block as its "layout" parameter.
> That is not accepted as layout block in a score markup.
> Suggestions?

In 18 years of working with LilyPond, I have never understood the
distinction between \paper and \layout.


Trevor Bača

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