On Sun, 2023-09-03 at 14:40 +0200, Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on
LilyPond development wrote:
> For a possible timeline, we could wait for the release of LilyPond
> 2.25.8 (probably September 16/17 because I'm travelling next weekend,
> unless Jean wants to do it again) and then merge the changes right
> after.

This happened on Sunday 17.

> This would still allow us to maybe shake out some first problems
> and also clean up some workarounds remaining from texi2html.

The first two big follow-up merge requests went in the week after.
Given no major complaints from developers so far, I will likely go
ahead and release a new unstable version next weekend (October 7/8) so
that users also get to see it and report problems, if there are any.
Plus many other fixes are lining up as well 😉


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