On 2023-12-27 10:51 pm, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
Well, both `#+3` and `#-3` work, so it might be tempting to assume
that `+3` and `-3` also work (outside of `\markup`).

So does ##e+3.0 and so does #3/1 so should we be supporting those as

The former?  Rather not.  The latter, maybe.  I can imagine that
people would like to say

\magnifyStaff 2/3

However, given that this representation no longer looks like a 'normal
number' for most people, I think it is fully sufficient to use the
already working

\magnifyStaff #2/3


Would it make sense for `\magnifyStaff` to accept `scale?` as its parameter? I think that would permit `2/3` due to the `fraction?` predicate.

-- Aaron Hill

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